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  1. Sniperspy For Mac
  2. Sniperspy Download

SniperSpy is a handy Remote Spy Software that satisfies monitoring needs of a parent and employer. Be it a local or a remote computer, you can easily install and monitor all the activities with SniperSpy. It offers a wide range of monitoring and control features for effective monitoring and parental control needs. Comodo filesystem filter driver is not loaded.

SniperSpy can also take screenshots at user-defined intervals and save them as medium-quality jpg images. Multiple types of activities will be logged and accessible via your online account, such as conversations from chat applications, executed programs, visited websites, accesed documents, pressed keystrokes and much more.

SniperSpy supports two types of installation: Remote and Local. Remote installation creates a remotely deployable module that gets installed on a remote computer through email. Thereafter you can control all the activities of the remote PC from your own place of comfort. Just like any other software program, it can also be installed on a local computer.

SniperSpy records every keystroke typed on the computer’s keyboard including all types passwords. It captures screenshots, records chat conversation and keeps track of web and social media activity. The main drawback of SniperSpy is that the monitoring process does not happen in a stealth mode. Unlike other monitoring programs which runs in an invisible mode, the operation of SniperSpy is clearly noticeable for the users who are under surveillance.

SniperSpy offers a rich set of control features and options that lets you control the remote PC the way you want. Slotomania private eye items. With parental control features you can block children from accessing adult content on the web, filter unwanted applications, impose a block on IM and social media and even limit their computer usage only to a certain amount of time.

SniperSpy comes with a secure online control panel to view and access the stored logs. The control panel also lets you control the remote computer right from anywhere you are in the world.

The control panel shows the “top ten reports” including graphs, so that you can quickly have a glance of the remote computer activities. In case if you are looking for a specific report, there is an option to even search for the logs. The logs are constantly updated so that you can get all the information as quickly as you can.

SniperSpy offers quality and timely support so as to resolve all your technical problems. The support options include Email, Live Chat and Phone which works on all the 7 days of the week. The site also contains other support options such as Product User Guide, Knowledge Base and Frequently Asked Questions.

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  2. SniperSpy Remote PC Monitoring. Are you worried how your child or employee is using your PC or Mac? SniperSpy allows you to remotely watch the computer like a television! Watch what happens on your child's screen LIVE! The software also saves screenshots along with text logs of chats, websites, keystrokes in any language and more.
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SniperSpy is no doubt a powerful monitoring solution for parents and employers. However, if you are looking for a stealth software this is not the option for you. Otherwise the price paid for SniperSpy offers a reasonable value for money.

With SniperSpy You can Record the Following Activities:

  • Actual Screenshots
  • Websites Visited
  • Keystrokes in Most Languages
  • Facebook Logs (NEW)
  • MySpace Logs (NEW)
  • Clipboard Logs (NEW)
  • User Activity Logs (NEW)
  • Profanity Alert Logs (NEW)
  • Chat Conversations
  • Logs of Applications Executed
  • Application Session Durations
  • Map PC Location
  • File/Folder Changes Logs

Live Surveillance and Control Features:

  • Real Time Screen Viewer
  • Real Time Keystroke Viewer
  • Remote File Browser with Search
  • Time Control (NEW)
  • View Active Processes
  • Launch Application or Web Address
  • Send Message to User
  • Remotely Reboot/Shutdown/Logoff

Content Filtering Options (NEW):

SniperspySniperspy software
  • Application Filter
  • Web Filter
  • Chat IM Filter
  • Social Media Filter

Other Important Features:

  • HTTPS Secure Control Panel
  • Deploy the module “Remotely” or “Locally”
  • Remote User Alert (Optional)
  • Searchable Logs
  • Top Ten Report Graphs
  • User Filter
  • Remote Uninstall

Minimum System Requirements:

  • Pentium or AMD mhz or Better
  • At least 64MB of RAM
  • Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7/8

Internet Connection Requirements:

  • A Standard Dial-up (56k) or High-Speed Internet (Recommended)

Click on the image to view its full size:


SniperSpy: Module Creator

SniperSpy: Secure Control Panel

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SniperSpy: Usage Summary

SniperSpy: Screenshot Logs

Side-by-side comparison allows you to view and compare the top ten monitoring software products so that you can choose the best one that matches your needs. Click on the button below to view the comparison chart:

Sniperspy For Mac

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What is SniperSpy?

SniperSpy Zodiac casino legit. is a keylogger program created to monitor and log keystrokes that are made on your machine. SniperSpy is capable to run in stealth mode in order to hide its presence. SniperSpy can monitor wide range of activities, including e-mails, Instant messaging conversations, typed passwords, banking pass codes etc. SniperSpy puts your security and privacy at a very high risk.

It should be noted that SniperSpy can do a lot more than the few functions mentioned above. This program can take screenshots of all active windows and copy every single document that is changed while you are working on them. It can even shut-off or reboot your computer remotely without your consent. That is to say, SniperSpy can take full control of your system without you even realizing it.

As a result, your important information (such as banking logins passwords, and other sensitive data), can be leaked to the people who are behind SniperSpy, and even though this program does not pose immediate danger to your computer's system, it can actually cause a lot more financial damage, as SniperSpy is an obvious case of a privacy breach. Also, due to the fact that SniperSpy collects system information, it might slow down your computer.

There is really no need to state the obvious as SniperSpy has to disappear from your computer ASAP. However, it might be tricky to remove SniperSpy on your own, because this program poses as a legitimate monitoring tool and my resist interrogation from the security products. Therefore, you have to get yourself a computer safeguard program that considers this application a threat, and then you will be able to erase SniperSpy automatically after a thorough system scan. Do not hesitate and take immediate action against this cunning computer threat.

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